Cinco R Ranch
Red Angus Heifers, Bulls, Embryos, Semen, Show Prospects & Freezer Beef For Sale

Brown Ms Made Right T7641 RABR Made Right x Brown Vacation
RAAA Registration# 1185965
2009 FWSS Grand Champion Red Angus Female
We were very pleased to obtain Brown Ms Made Right from the RA Brown Ranch and Solutions Genetics. As a donor cow at the RA Brown Ranch, Ms Made Right made her mark on the Red Angus industry by producing some of highest performing range ready cattle through successful flush matings with Nebula P707. She also produced some of the most stellar show progeny through flush matings with Cowboy Cut and Northline Rock Star while at Solutions Genetics. Made Right's genetics can be found passed on through her progeny like Brown Ms P707 X7578, grand progeny including Brown Ms Final Answer Z2733 It is very seldom that you find a cow that is truly capable of producing high quality cattle for the range and the ring. Great Genetics are Great Genetics, no matter how you use them.

5RR Ms Made Right 173G
Dam: Brown Ms Made Right T7641
Sire: BJF PAR 7022E

Brown Ms Made Right T7641
Mature Pasture Picture

Red Northline Plush 122D NBAR Hamley x Red Northline Ignition
Registration: 3531221, Calve date: 05/01/2016, Calve Weight: 70 lbs
2018 Intermediate Grand Champion - Fort Worth Stock Show
2017 Intermediate Grand Champion - Texas State Fair Junior Live Stock Show
2017 Division Champion - Pan American Live Stock Exposition
2017 Class Champion - National Western Stock Show - Denver
2017 Class Champion - Fort Worth Stock Show
2017 Class Champion - NAJRAE
Dam of the 2022 Fort Worth Stock Show Grand Champion Red Angus Female, Daughter of the 2014 U.S. National Champion Female Red Northline Plush 122Z and the 2007 Grand Champion Bull- World Beef Expo, NBAR Hamley S913. Plush 122D is a special donor that is deep gutted, big hipped, smooth topped, clean fronted, with a neck that ties in great, and has that perfect head and face that pulls together the entire package. She is one of those once in a life time donors that we proudly say will be the cornerstone foundation female to our herd.

5RR Plush 182G
2022 Fort Worth Stock Show Grand Ch Red Angus Female
Dam: Red Northline Plush 122D
Sire: BJF Par 7022E

5RR Plush 248H
Dam: Red Northline Plush 122D
Sire: 5RR Crush 158F

Red Northline Gabby 260D
Registration: 3561670, Calve date: 06/02/2016, Calve Weight: 60 lbs
2018 Reserve Champion Intermediate Female - Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo
2018 Reserve Champion Junior Heifer - San Antonio Livestock Exposition
2018 Intermediate Reserve Grand Champion - Fort Worth Stock Show
2017 Intermediate Reserve Grand Champion - Texas State Fair Junior Live Stock Show
Red Northline CRSL Goodfella x Red Jayderne Eldorado's 61E
We are very excited to partner with Riggin Stewart/Reed & Stewart Ranch on this stylish Goodfella daughter. Red Northline CRSL Goodfella was the 2013 Reserve Grand Champion Red Angus Bull at the Northern International Livestock Expo (N.I.L.E). Goodfella genetics are heavily sought after, and we feel that this awesome donor will make her mark on the breed with the commencement of her Embryo Transfers. We have no doubt that she will pass on the great genetics of her Sire - Red Northline Goodfella and her Grand Sire - 2011 U.S. National Grand Champion -Red Northline Fat Tony 605U.

5RR Gabby 238H
Dam: Red Northline Gabby 260D
Sire: BJF Par 7022E

Gabby 260D -2018 Fort Worth Stock Show

Red BCC Fayet 39E
2018 Farmfair International - Reserve Grand Champion Senior Yearling Heifer
Red Redrich Aftershock 238A x Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P
RAAA: 3993224,
Calve date: 01/18/2017, Calve Weight: 87 lbs
Fayet 39E has been a great addition to the Donor Pen. This incredible thick made cow is sired by Red Redrich Afterschock who was the 2015 Farm Fair International Supreme Champion Bull, 2015 Canadian Western Agribition Champion Red Angus Bull as well as the 2015 World Champion Angus Bull. Fayet's pedigree is really stacked with some of the best bulls that have ever been shown in Canada. There are six Farmfair and Agribition Grand Champion Bulls in the first 4 generations in her pedigree, with Fully Loaded, Reload, Longitude, and Aftershock on the sire side, as well as two of the breed’s all time great sires Mulberry and Rob Roy on her dam side. Phenotypically she is a knockout.

Red Northline 5RR Fayet
Dam: Red BCC Fayet 39E
Sire: WFRA Mr Misunderstood 5060

Red BCC Fayet 39E at 2018 Farmfair International - Canada

Red Northline TNF Izzy 86C
2016 Farmfair International - Reserve Grand Champion Female
Red Northline Ignition 125W x Red Northline Fat Tony
RAAA Registration: 3527399, Calve date: 02/21/2015, Calve Weight: 87 lbs
Izzy 86C sired by Red Northline Ingnition and her dam is the many time champion Red Gelsbar Leah 86X cow who is one of Red Northline Fat Tony's greatest daughters. There are generations of Champion Genetics on both sides of Izzy's pedigree. Ignition daughters have developed into outstanding producing females and Izzy is one of the best.

5RR Izzy 249H
Dam: Red Northline TNF Izzy 86C
Sire: BJF PAR 7022E

Red Northline 5RR RHETT
Dam: Red Northline TNF Izzy 86C
Sire: WFRA Mr Misunderstood 5060

OCC Sassy Scarlet F3
Registration: 4008546, Calve date: 04/02/2018, Calve Weight: 80 lbs
Badlands Opportunity 53Y x Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P
We are very excited about the newest addition to our donor pen. Her back drop picture says it all. At 10 months old she was already exhibiting the stout made phenotype that placed her second in the stacked spring heifer class at the 2019 NWSS in Denver. Her genetics and EPD profile provide interesting mating possibilities. Her donor dam LazyJ Ms Scarlet 2201-5053 has a proven track record with progeny at cattle operations across the country. Her sire, Badlands Opportunity has been widely used in both the US and Canada, and her grand sire is the all-time great Canadian Champion Red Fine Line Mulberry. Scarlet F3 possess an outstanding Grid Master Index that ranks in the top 10% of the breed, inclusive of a top 1% Wean Weight, Year Weight, Avg Daily Gain and top 3% Carcass Weight. This is a cow that is truly built for power while maintaining style and grace.

5RR Ms Fusion 237H
Dam:OCC Sassy Scarlet F3
Sire: Andras Fusion

5RR Scarlet 322K - RAAA# 4532901
Dam:OCC Sassy Scarlet F3
Sire: Northline 5RR Rhett

Brown Ms Revelation B527
Registration: 1703627, Calve date: 02/23/2014, Calve Weight: 98 lbs
Brown Revelation P7021 x Beckton Nebula P P707
Ms Revelation B527, is a big beautiful, fancy fronted female with lots of muscle that earned her way to R.A Brown Ranch's "Super Donor" status. She is a 3/4 sibling to Brown Oracle B112. In addition to her exceptional eye appeal, B527 has a balanced set of EPDs including a top 3% Herdbuilder.

Bieber Primrose 496A
Registration: 1619804, Calve date: 05/02/2013, Calve Weight: 62 lbs
Bieber Rouse Samurai X22 x Basin Trend Setter 6074
Out of the famed Primrose Cow Family, 496A is an ET Cow whose genetics are making a mark on the Red Angus industry. Her first calf Bieber Primrose 146C was retained the Bieber Ranch and has already contributed 10 offspring to their sales, including lot#3, Bieber Maximus J498, featured in their March 2022 Spring Sale. Primrose has a well balanced set of EPDs combining a top 27% low birth weight with a top 25% wean weight.
Bieber Maximus J498
Grand Dam: Bieber Primrose 496A
Sold at 2022 Bieber Red Angus Annual Bull Sale along with two other full sibs.

Bieber Rose 303Y
Registration: 1437047, Calve date: 03/21/2011, Calve Weight: 80 lbs
Hust Chief Sequoya x Basin Cherokee
Rose 303Y is backed by the superior maternal genetics of the Primrose cowline that was one of the greats to come out of the Basin program. 303Y is a direct daughter of Basin Rose 7127 who has been a donor and producer of foundation females for Bieber Red Angus. These maternal traits are combined with her popular sire, HUST Chief Sequoya R336, who adds a top 20% Gridmaster index along with incredible stats for growth and carcass merit.
Rose 303Y possesses EPD's that include top 10% in the Red Angus breed for Stayability, and top 20% for Calving Ease Direct, Wean Weight, Yearling Weight, Yield Grade, Carcass Weight, Ribeye Area and Fat Thickness and the top 10% for Herdbuilder Index.
303Y produces both Stylish Show Stock as well as fully functional range ready high performing foundation cattle. Dam of the 2019 Houston LiveStock Show Reserve Grand Red Angus Bull, 5RR High Roller 143E. Also dam to ET calves which sold at Bieber Fever XI.

5RR High Roller 143E
2019 Houston LiveStock Show Reserve Grand Champion Red Angus Bull
2019 National Reserve Champion Fall Bull

5M Rollin Deep 1112
5RR Cruiser 247H
Dam: Bieber Rose 303Y
SIRE: 5RR Crush 158F
2022 Houston Livestock Show - Fall Bull Calf CH
2021 West Texas State Fair -Champion Sr Bull Calf
2021 Texas State Fair/Pan-American Beef Cattle -Early Sr Bull Calf Champion